- Include both uppercase and lowercase letters (case-sensitive).
- Include both letters and numbers (alpha-numeric).
- Use special characters (Space ! # )
- Do not include your login name, a.k.a. username, in any form (as-is, reversed, capitalized,
- Avoid words that can be found in a dictionary (including foreign and technical dictionaries).
- Do not use a password that has been given as an example of a good password.
- Do not use other easily obtained information about yourself, such as license plate
numbers, phone numbers, social security numbers, the make of your automobile, the
name of the street you live on, the room number or building in which you work, etc.
One possible way to pick a good password is to make up your own acronym. Create a
phrase that has meaning to you and pick the first letter of each word or use the phrase
A similar method is to take out all the vowels from a short phrase or use passphrases.
For example:
- "I work 8 hours a day." (wrk8hrsdy) or (Iwork8hoursaday)
- "We like to eat lunch at 11:30." (Weliketoeatlunchat1130)
- "My dog eats too much." (myDogeats2much)